Trung Canh Nguyen

FPGA developer | Dec-30-1990


Hanoi, Vietnam

Hello, this is Nguyen Canh Trung. You can call me “Trung”.

I am an FPGA developer who works mainly in 5G communication sector. I had spent the first 3-years to work as a system integration for 5G-RRU (Remote Radio Unit) which focusing on high-speed interfaces such as JESD204B, eCPRI and PCIe. The other part of the job was to integrate DPD, CFR and LOW PHY solutions into fabric.

Later on, my works was focusing on designing and implementing IP cores for Xilinx and Intel platforms which includes 5G-NR Layer 1 and ISP accelerators.

Currently, I am participating in a project to design a “5G-verification system” (5G testbed). I am proficient at both Traditional RTL design flow and High Level Synthesis design flow.

During my working time, I realize that I need a space to summarize what I have learned. It can also be a place that I can share my knowledge and experience to someone that may need. This website is a result of the process.

I hope you can find something interesting here. Feel free to drop me a line via email!

Thank you!


Oct 7, 2022 Quartus - Using signal tap to debug the design on board
Oct 5, 2022 Quartus - Programming FPGA
Oct 3, 2022 Quartus - Hello World!
Oct 1, 2022 Stratix 10 - reset release IP
Dec 30, 1990 When I came to Earth :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles: