VHDL-1--Keywords and identifiers

Learn VHDL syntax

Keywords and identifiers

What are the VHDL keywords?

Keywords are the reserved words for language constructs and are used to denote a function to the synthesis or compilation tool.

For example, signal, variable, and function are the keywords here.

What are VHDL identifiers?

Identifiers are “nouns” that are used to describe various constructs within VHDL.

Most of the time, designers prefer C style identifier as C_styles_identifier

Since the VHDL is case insensitive, IDentiFier = identifier

Follow the following rules while writing an identifier:

Note that the VHDL language internally converts all characters to UPPER CASE.

Expressions and literals in VHDL


For example:


A literal is a constant valued operand.

For example:

These examples illustrate unconditional signal assignments where the value on the right-hand side of the assignment symbol (<=) is applied to the object on the left-hand side.

Data objects in VHDL

Data object:

VHDL has four classes of data objects:





VHDL object classes

There are four object classes that exist in VHDL in which certain qualities of the data object are identified:


The comments in any code can significantly enhance the readability of the code, provide useful documentation, and make the intent of the designer clear.

Comments rules

5 levels of commenting in VHDL

External documents

Any documentation not included, but cited, in the source module uses the external documents level. The detailed design document is the primary source, and the other likely sources are websites and textbooks.

File-level (header) comments

Section or code group comments

In-line comments

Identifier-level Comments