VHDL - Procedures

Working with procedures

1. VHDL Procedures

In a large design, there are some portions of code which might be repeated or called multiple times.

A common block that encapsulates some functionality within the design, it is called sub-program.

Procedure is a type of subprogram that can be called multiple times throughout the design

Advantages of using procedure

2. Highlights for procedure

3. Procedure structure


procedure PROC1 ( <class> <arg1> : <mode|direction> <type>;
                  <class> <arg2> : <mode|direction> <type> ) is

variable VAR1;
  <sequential statements ...>
end procedure PROC1;

A procedure’s parameter list defines its inputs and outputs, kind of like a mini-module. It can be a signal or a constant, but unlike a module, it can also be a variable. You can declare objects between the “is” and “begin” keywords that are only valid inside the procedure. These may include constants, variables, types, subtypes, and aliases, but not signals.

Unlike functions, procedures may contain wait-statements. Therefore, they are often used in testbenches like simple BFM’s for simulating interfaces, or for checking output from the device under test (DUT).

a. Procedure parameters

Procedure parameters are similar to port declartions.

It can be:

Inside a procedure, parameters with specified mode or direction is restricted as following table.

Mode Readable Changed
OUT NO Assign back to caller
INOUT OK Assign back to caller


procedure SLV_REVERSE   ( SLV_IN : IN std_logic_vector;
                          SLV_OUT : OUT std_logic_vector
                        ) is
  for i in SLV_IN`length-1 downto 0 loop
    SLV_OUT(i)  <= SLV_IN (SLV_IN'length-1);
  end loop;
end procedure SLV_REVERSE;

Want to call the above procedure?

SLV_REVERSE   ( SLV_IN      => D_IN, 
                SLV_OUT     => D_OUT

To make the mapping valid, the formal and actual must be of same data type, class and mode

b. Parameters classes

VHDL supports four classes of objects

If classes are not specified in the argument list. The default class will be selected

Mode Default classes
IN constant
OUT variable
INOUT variable

c. Explicitly specify class of procedure parameters

Explicitly specify class of input and output parameters declared in a procedure is oftern helpful. It simplifies usage and expands capabilities of a procedure.

Here is an example when not specified class in the argument list

We need a variable TEMP_BUS to pass value to a signal OUT_BUS.

And explicitly specified class for parameters

We can see, with explicited declaration, there is no need of variable TEMP_BUS to pass value to signal OUT_BUS.

4. Where to declare a procedure?

In the declarative region of architecture

library ieee;
  use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
  use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity tb is
end entity tb;

architecture behavior of tb is

  procedure AXIS_SEND (
              signal clk      : in std_logic;
              constant value    : in std_logic_vector;
              constant nBeats   : in integer;
              signal bCounter   : inout integer;
              signal tready   : in std_logic;
              signal tdata    : out std_logic_vector;
              signal tvalid   : out std_logic;
              signal tstrb    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tkeep    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tuser    : out std_logic;
              signal tlast    : out std_logic
    ) is
    wait until rising_edge(clk) and tready = '1';
    tdata   <= value;
    tvalid  <= '1';
    tstrb   <= (OTHERS => '1');
    tkeep   <= (OTHERS => '1');
    tuser   <= '0';
    if (bCounter = nBeats) then
      tlast   <= '1';
      bCounter <= 1;
      tlast   <= '0';
      bCounter <= bCounter + 1;
    end if;
  end procedure AXIS_SEND;




rx_test_proc: process

    for ii in 1 to NUM_FRAMES loop
      for jj in 1 to (NUN_BYTES_PER_FRAME/16) loop

        AXIS_SEND (
                clk     => clk,
                value   => send_value,
                nBeats  => NUN_BYTES_PER_FRAME/16,
                bCounter=> bCounter,
                tready  => din_tready,
                tdata   => din_tdata,
                tvalid  => din_tvalid,
                tstrb   => din_tstrb,
                tkeep   => din_tkeep,
                tuser   => din_tuser,
                tlast   => din_tlast

      end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;

end process rx_test_proc;


end architecture;

In the package

library ieee;
  use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
  use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

-- Package declaration section
package soc_sim is
  -- constants
  constant AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 8;
  constant AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 64;
  constant DATA_WIDTH          : integer := 128;

  -- types

  -- components

  -- function prototypes

  -- procedure prototypes

  procedure AXIS_SEND (
              signal clk      : in std_logic;
              constant value    : in std_logic_vector;
              constant nBeats   : in integer;
              signal bCounter   : inout integer;
              signal tready   : in std_logic;
              signal tdata    : out std_logic_vector;
              signal tvalid   : out std_logic;
              signal tstrb    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tkeep    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tuser    : out std_logic;
              signal tlast    : out std_logic

end package soc_sim;

package body soc_sim is

  -- function detail

  -- procedure detail

  procedure AXIS_SEND (
              signal clk      : in std_logic;
              constant value    : in std_logic_vector;
              constant nBeats   : in integer;
              signal bCounter   : inout integer;
              signal tready   : in std_logic;
              signal tdata    : out std_logic_vector;
              signal tvalid   : out std_logic;
              signal tstrb    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tkeep    : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
              signal tuser    : out std_logic;
              signal tlast    : out std_logic
    ) is
    wait until rising_edge(clk) and tready = '1';

    tdata   <= value;
    tvalid  <= '1';
    tstrb   <= (OTHERS => '1');
    tkeep   <= (OTHERS => '1');
    tuser   <= '0';

    if (bCounter = nBeats) then
      tlast   <= '1';
      bCounter <= 1;
      tlast   <= '0';
      bCounter <= bCounter + 1;
    end if;

  end procedure AXIS_SEND;

end package body soc_sim;

In the testbench

library work;
  use work.soc_sim.all;

5. Practical examples

BUS access (testbench)

p_control : process
  procedure wait_clk(signal i_clk : in std_logic; val : in integer) is
    for i in 1 to val loop
      wait until rising_edge(i_clk);
    end loop;
  end procedure wait_clk;

  procedure bus_write(
    i_addr             : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    i_data             : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal i_clk       : in  std_logic;
    signal o_csb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_wrb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_rdb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_addr      : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal o_data      : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    log_on             : in  boolean ) is
  variable L : line;
  variable t : time;
    wait_clk(i_clk, 1);
    t := now;
    o_csb       <= '0';
    o_wrb       <= '1';
    o_rdb       <= '1';
    o_addr      <= i_addr;
    o_data      <= i_data;
    wait_clk(i_clk, 1);
    o_csb       <= '0';
    o_wrb       <= '0';
    o_rdb       <= '1';
    wait_clk(i_clk, 3);
    o_csb       <= '0';
    o_wrb       <= '1';
    wait_clk(i_clk, 1);
    o_csb       <= '1';
    o_wrb       <= '1';
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>20,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'(" << WRITE BUS  "));
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>10,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'("  ADDR 0x"));
    hwrite(L,i_addr, justified => left, field=>8);
    write(L, string'("  DATA 0x"));
    hwrite(L,i_data, justified => left, field=>8);
    write(L, string'("  @  "));
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>10,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'("  >>"));
    if(log_on) then writeline(output,L); end if;
    wait_clk(i_clk, 2);
  end procedure bus_write;

  procedure bus_read(
    i_addr             : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal i_clk       : in  std_logic;
    signal o_csb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_wrb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_rdb       : out std_logic;
    signal o_addr      : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal i_data      : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    log_on             : in  boolean ) is
  variable L : line;
  variable t : time;
  variable v_data      :  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    wait_clk(i_clk, 1);
    t := now;
    o_csb       <= '0';
    o_wrb       <= '1';
    o_rdb       <= '0';
    o_addr      <= i_addr;
    wait_clk(i_clk, 9);
    o_csb       <= '1';
    o_wrb       <= '1';
    o_rdb       <= '1';
    v_data      := i_data;
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>20,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'(" << READ BUS  "));
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>10,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'("  ADDR 0x"));
    hwrite(L,i_addr, justified => left, field=>8);
    write(L, string'("  DATA 0x"));
    hwrite(L,v_data, justified => left, field=>8);
    write(L, string'("  @  "));
    write(L,now, justified => right, field=>10,unit=>ns);
    write(L, string'("  >>"));
    if(log_on) then writeline(output,L); end if;
    wait_clk(i_clk, 2);
  end procedure bus_read;


    clk      ,
    csb      ,
    wrb      ,
    rdb      ,
    addr     ,
    data     ,
    true );
    clk      ,
    csb      ,
    wrb      ,
    rdb      ,
    addr     ,
    data_out ,
    true );
end process p_control;

Synthesized procedure