RTL simulation with Questasim

Introduction - how to simulate RTL design with Questa Sim

1. Quick Start

Unlike Xilinx EDA tool, Quartus does not provide its own version of simulator, instead users need to use third-party software to do their tasks.

When you download Quartus package, it also contains third-party simulators (Mentor Graphic) which are

The following sections will describe step-by-step how to use modelsim/questasim.

In my case, I am using Questasim-Intel FE version.


To run modelsim or questasim in batch mode, the program must be in the path of your shell. You can add these lines into your ~/.bashrc after installing Quartus. Changing /opt/Intel/22.3/ to your installation path.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Intel/22.3/quartus/linux64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/Intel/22.3/quartus/bin:/opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/bin:$PATH


The section is from this source


The vlib command creates a design library. You’ve probably used libraries like ieee or std in your VHDL code before. But the VHDL code you write must also go into a design library.

The default library in ModelSim is work. If you create a new VHDL project in the GUI, it will automatically create it for you.

Unless you specify a different location, each design library will appear as a folder in your project folder. For example, the compiled code belonging to the work library usually resides in a subfolder named ./work.

Let’s create the work library manually using vlib:

vlib work

And delete it using the vdel command:

vdel -all -lib work


This is the VHDL compiler command in ModelSim. It’s easy to compile; type vcom followed by the path to your VHDL file:

vcom ./my_module.vhd

Note that when you call vcom without other arguments, the module ends up in the default work library.

You can compile it into a different library by giving the -work switch:

vlib my_lib
vcom -quiet -work my_lib ./my_module.vhd

(But then you first have to create my_lib using the vlib command)

The vcom command has lots and lots of optional arguments that allow you to control the compilation rules in detail. Check out the ModelSim Reference Manual for a comprehensive list of all the options.

Another note: if you want to use Verilog compiler, here is the command

vlog -vlog01compat -work work ./dc_fifo.v


Using the vmap tool, you can view and edit the mapping between the VHDL library name and the path to the compiled VHDL code in your file system (the folder you created with vlib and compiled into using vcom).

To list all mappings, type vmap without arguments:


That will print a list of library mappings from which you may recognize some names from. For example, ieee and std. The standard libs are probably located in your ModelSim installation directory as they came with the simulator.

Other libraries like work will probably map to the current working directory “./work”.

VSIM 2> vmap
# Questa Intel FPGA Edition-64 vmap 2022.1 Lib Mapping Utility 2022.01 Jan 29 2022
# vmap 
# Reading modelsim.ini
# "work" maps to directory ./libraries/work/.
# "work_lib" maps to directory ./libraries/work/.
# "fifo_1911" maps to directory ./libraries/fifo_1911/.
# "dc_fifo" maps to directory ./libraries/dc_fifo/.
# Reading /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../modelsim.ini
# "std" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../std.
# "ieee" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../ieee.
# "vital2000" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../vital2000.
# "verilog" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../verilog.
# "std_developerskit" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../std_developerskit.
# "synopsys" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../synopsys.
# "modelsim_lib" maps to directory /opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/linux_x86_64/../modelsim_lib.

You can add or update a mapping by typing:

vmap lib_name path/to/the/lib/folder

Or, you can delete a library mapping by typing:

vmap -del lib_name

Finally, you should know that vmap modifies your modelsim.ini file. The location of modelsim.ini may vary. There’s one in the ModelSim installation directory, but it’s often not writable without admin privileges.

If you make the INI file writable, vmap will happily modify it. But a better strategy is to use the system’s modelsim.ini file as a template and copy it to your local folder by using the special “-c” switch:

vmap -c

Then you can set an environment variable pointing to this file:

set MODELSIM=<project_dir>/modelsim.ini

When you now call vmap or any other command that relies on the INI file, it will use the local copy of modelsim.ini.


This is the command that starts the VHDL simulator (ModelSim). If you call vsim from a shell without any arguments, the ModelSim GUI will open:


Running batch mode:

vsim -c

Another useful switch is “-do”, which lets you specify a command that ModelSim will run when it opens. Here, we combine it with the “-c” flag to print “Hello World!” to the console and exit:

vsim -c -do "echo Hello World!; exit"

And, of course, you can simulate from the command line. Just give the library and entity of the testbench and combine it with the “-do” switch to start the simulation like this:

vsim -c my_lib.my_tb -do "run -all"

If you start a batch mode simulation from a script or a Makefile, you may want to return an exit code that you can pick up in your script. The exit command in ModelSim has a -code switch that lets you do this.

vcom -quiet -2008 -work counter_lib ./counter.vhd
vcom -quiet -2008 -work counter_lib ./counter_tb.vhd
vsim -c counter_lib.counter_tb -do "run -all; exit -code 0"


If you want to dig deeper into these and other ModelSim commands, I recommend checking out the ModelSim Reference Manual. It’s 455 pages long and lists all the possible ModelSim commands along with their optional switches.

Or you can access it from within ModelSim by clicking: Help -> PDF Documentation -> Reference Manual.

2. What need to run simulation

In order to run simulation on Model/Questa-sim, you need to prepare 3 things

For 2 formers, no need to discuss more since it is straight-forward. The later is what you need to study more if you switched from other simulator such as XSIM (Xililnx).


There are 3 important scripts that are used for simulation.

Scripts Description
msim_setup.tcl Generated by Quartus
modelsim_files.tcl Generated by Quartus
*.do Defined by User


Design-independent file. It defines:

 Specific libraries

Design files corresponding to these specific libraries

Memory files

If your design using IPs from IP Catalog, libraries that those IPs used and its design will be specified in this file. When "Generate Simulator Setup Script", this file is generated and includes all needed information.

Here is an example of a design using DC_FIFO provided in IP catalog.

proc get_design_libraries {} {
  set libraries [dict create]
  dict set libraries fifo_1911 1
  dict set libraries dc_fifo   1
  return $libraries

proc get_memory_files {QSYS_SIMDIR} {
  set memory_files [list]
  return $memory_files

  set design_files [dict create]
  return $design_files

  set design_files [list]
  lappend design_files "vcom $USER_DEFINED_VHDL_COMPILE_OPTIONS $USER_DEFINED_COMPILE_OPTIONS  \"[normalize_path "$SIM_DIR/02.uut/01.fw_bm/dc_fifo/fifo_1911/sim/dc_fifo_fifo_1911_nytavei.vhd"]\"  -work fifo_1911"
  lappend design_files "vcom $USER_DEFINED_VHDL_COMPILE_OPTIONS $USER_DEFINED_COMPILE_OPTIONS  \"[normalize_path "$SIM_DIR/02.uut/01.fw_bm/dc_fifo/sim/dc_fifo.vhd"]\"  -work dc_fifo"                              
  return $design_files
  return $design_files

proc get_elab_options {SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS} {
  if ![ string match "bit_64" $SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS ] {
  } else {
  append ELAB_OPTIONS { -t fs}
  return $ELAB_OPTIONS

proc get_sim_options {SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS} {
  set SIM_OPTIONS ""
  if ![ string match "bit_64" $SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS ] {
  } else {
  return $SIM_OPTIONS

proc get_env_variables {SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS} {
  set ENV_VARIABLES [dict create]
  set LD_LIBRARY_PATH [dict create]
  if ![ string match "bit_64" $SIMULATOR_TOOL_BITNESS ] {
  } else {

proc normalize_path {FILEPATH} {
    if {[catch { package require fileutil } err]} { 
        return $FILEPATH 
    set path [fileutil::lexnormalize [file join [pwd] $FILEPATH]]  
    if {[file pathtype $FILEPATH] eq "relative"} { 
        set path [fileutil::relative [pwd] $path] 
    return $path 

In this example, I used 2 libraries which are generated when calling FIFO IP core from IP Catalog: fifo_1911 and dc_fifo

Then, you see in get_design_files is where design added in two libraries with vcom command.

Note that this file is kind of declaration file, it will be used in the later file msim_setup.tcl


This file sets up the enviroment for simulation run.


So to do “Standard-Alone” simulation, you just need to copy 3 scripts above along with source codes and testbenches, you will be able to run your simulation in other machine.

3. Design with no third party IP Cores

Đối với hệ thống không sử dụng các IP từ Intel thì có thể tạo project, biên dịch và mô phỏng trực tiếp với modelsim theo flow sau đây


4. Design with Intel IP Cores

If a design using Intel IP, Generate Simulator Setup Scrupt for IP is needed to extract all libraries for simulation.

Tools > Generate Simulator Setup Script for IP ...

One note: If you generate HDL from IP Editor, you need to check the “Generate simulation model” option of IP cores. Missing it, script generation will be failed due to miss simulation model.

Please following the example here to simulate a project using Intel IP Cores

The following is a complete mentor_example.do

# #
# # Source the generated IP simulation script.
source $QSYS_SIMDIR/mentor/msim_setup.tcl
# #
# #
# # Call command to compile the Quartus-generated IP simulation files.
# #
# # Add commands to compile all design files and testbench files, including
# # the top level. (These are all the files required for simulation other
# # than the files compiled by the Quartus-generated IP simulation script)
vcom -work work ../src/dc_fifo/sim/dc_fifo.vhd
vcom -work work ../src/axi_lite_ctrl_S_AXI_LITE.vhd
vcom -work work ../src/axi_lite_ctrl.vhd
vcom -work work ../src/axis_handler.vhd
vcom -work work ../src/adapter.vhd
vcom -work work ../src/tb.vhd

# #
# # Set the top-level simulation or testbench module/entity name, which is
# # used by the elab command to elaborate the top level.
# #
# # Set any elaboration options you require.
# #
# # Run the simulation.
# run -a
add wave *

view structure
view signals
# run -all
run 1 us

How to stop a simulator


Simulating NIOS II


[1] https://community.intel.com/t5/Nios-II-Embedded-Design-Suite/update-for-AN351/m-p/1351699#M51062 [2] https://community.intel.com/t5/Nios-II-Embedded-Design-Suite/AN351-really-confused-me/m-p/1351698#M51061 [3] https://community.intel.com/t5/Nios-II-Embedded-Design-Suite/Nios-II-simulation-with-Questa/m-p/1351656#M51059