Catapult and Questasim installation

Setting up Catapult HLS

1. Installing Catapult and Questasim

Just follow the GUI instruction to install your Catapult packages and Questasim packages.

In my case, I installed them into:


2. Installing Quartus

If using FPGA technology from Intel, installing Quartus is required to synthesize your design. Following the Quartus installation guide to process forward.

3. Installing Vivado

If using FPGA technology from Xilinx, installing Vivado is required to synthesize your design. Following the Vivado installation guide to process forward.

4. Adding these lines into .bashrc

To start Catapult, it requires:

# =======================================================
# Quartus
# =======================================================
export INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT="/opt/Intel/22.2/hld"
export QSYS_ROOTDIR="/opt/Intel/22.2/qsys/bin"
export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE="/opt/Intel/22.2/quartus"
export QUARTUS_PRO_ROOTDIR="/opt/Intel/22.2/quartus"
# QUARTUS environment
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Intel/22.2/quartus/linux64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/Intel/22.2/quartus/bin:/opt/Intel/22.3/questa_fe/bin:$PATH

# =======================================================
# Catapult - Questasim
# =======================================================
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1234@ubuntu18
export MGC_HOME="/opt/Siemens/Catapult/2022.1_1/Mgc_home"
export PATH=/opt/Siemens/Catapult/2022.1_1/Mgc_home/bin:$PATH

export MODEL_TECH="/opt/Siemens/Questa/21.3.2/questasim/bin"

Adding Quartus environment, so the Catapult can call the synthesizer when processes RTL stage.

Adding Questasim enviromnet for RTL co-simulation

Note that: In my case, I used a combination of:

Then, everything worked well.

However, when moving Quartus to version of 22.3, it was impossible to run Quartus synthesizer without error. So, be carefull to check compatiable version, it is recommended to follow instruction in Catapult installation guide to find your own combination.

5. Starting Catapult

$ catapult