Cocotb framework - day 1

Learning about cocotb framework for RTL simulation


Want to learn


The current stable version 1.7.1 of cocotb requires:

Python installation

sudo apt-get install make python3 python3-pip

We can use the global python installation for cocotb. However, the better way is to create a separated environment for cocotb to prevent any corruption on main python installation.

Here, we create our own python env inside the cocotb working directory.

python3 -m venv venv

It creates the venv directory. Now, check the current environment

which python3

You will notice that it still uses the global environment usr/bin/python3

Lets activate the working environment

source venv/bin/active

Now, check the current environment

which python3

New environment for cocotb is activated.

Cocotb packages installation

pip install cocotb pytest cocotb-bus cocotb-coverage

Make sure pip version 3.x

pip -V

Otherwise, using pip3 instead.

The packages are installed in venv/lib/python3.x/site-packages

You may need to add to PATH and add this line into your .bashrc file

export PATH=/home/tesla/.local/bin:$PATH

Checking whether it is successfull or not by typing cocotb-config

Icarus Verilog installation

Cocotb supports the following RTL simulators: Synopsys VCS, Intel Questa and Icarus Verilog. Icarus Verilog is free and can be obtained from To install Icarus Verilog, follow the instructions from the git repository, or simply:

sudo apt install iverilog

Another way to install iverilog is to recompile and install from source code by following steps. I recommend this way to get the lastest version.

git clone
cd iverilog
sh ./
sudo make install


If using Questasim, just need to add the Questasim installation path

export MODELSIM_BIN_DIR="/opt/Intel/questa_fe/bin"

Need to export the LM_LICENSE_FILE of Quartus package before running cocotb

Note that: the questasim here is Intel version. I have not make cocotb worked with Mentor Questasim yet.

My Hello World with cocotb


Important concepts

============ Learning to write python testbenches

Concurrent Execution

Cocotb with Questa

Enable GUI and Waveform

Adding GUI=1 and WAVES=1 in the Makefiles. Or typing following command

make GUI=1 WAVES=1

GUI exits after simulation done


Switching from GUI=0 to GUI=1 and vice versa requires cleaning sim_build folder by

make clean

make GUI=1

Reason: For Questa, file is generated based on the value of the GUI parameter. But if the file has been generated once, its contents is not updated unless one deletes the file.


For Questa/Modelsim, the SCRIPT_FILE is currently run before the simulation is initialized using the vsim command. In the common case where, a file that sets up traces in the GUI, these traces fail to initialize since the underlying signals don’t exist yet.

This commit runs the SCRIPT_FILE before the vsim command, allowing traces to be set up properly.

Adding different libraries in Questa